The Australian Religious Archives hold the story, history and legacy of religious congregations and other religious groups who have made significant contributions to both civic and church life in Australia and beyond.
Such groups have been at the forefront of the establishment of education, health and welfare entities for more than 150 years. They have been consistent in the development of pastoral leadership and in their response to the most disadvantaged and needy in society.
Archives hold much of the story and memory of a group or organization and form an essential bridge between past, present and future. They are an asset to be preserved and passed on for the use and benefit of our successors in time.
(Cf. Archives Matter! Australian Society of Archivists)
There is a great sense of social responsibility in preserving this history and in sharing this story, particularly for those groups who are coming to their fulfilment.
Participating Groups
The Australian Religious Archives was formed in partnership with the Brigidine Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus, Missionary Sisters of Service, Presentation Sisters Victoria and the University of Divinity.